Leon & Rosterize for enhanced crew planning
Leon & Rosterize integration
Leon's Crew module allows you to easily manage your team on a daily basis. The work schedule is transparent and clear, and the notification system immediately informs your crew of any changes. Now you can do even more with the Rosterize add-on - in a few minutes Rosterize optimizer runs through billions of automatically generated crew scheduling scenarios and choose the best one.

Reduce time and cost for roster creation no matter scheduled or unscheduled operations
Today's turbulence can require an operator to change the current work plan at anytime. Manual rescheduling becomes increasingly complex, so a modern automation process is needed. Rosterize is a holistic tool designed to address the specific crew-related challenges of small and medium-sized scheduled and charter operators.
One of Rosterize's goals is to reduce the rostering preparation time from days to minutes and extend planning horizons: from weeks to months for charters operators and from months to seasons for scheduled.
Based on the data entered into the LEON, Rosterize suggests an optimal crew schedule. In addition to rostering, the system helps manage crew rotation and crew swaps. Its unique API architecture automates deadheading by finding optimal crew commercial positioning.
‘Our main idea is to optimize all crew-related operations at the mid-sized airlines and charter segment, where professionals likely have to schedule crews manually. We do see the demand in our solution among Leon customers and appreciate the support of Leon’s professionals to improve the user experience of the integrated solution’, - comments Max Andreev, Founding CEO at Rosterize.
The integration between Leon Software and Rosterize allows for the secure exchange of data between the solutions so that customers using both programs don't have to provide the same information twice.
Roster your crew using your own set of rules
Operators often have shortage of crew and need to manage their fleets as best as they can. They could hire freelancers or part-time workers. Rosterize allows to create a joint roster using different set of rules for each type of employment even for each crew member. Its AI-based algorithm checks feasibility and finds optimal assignments for business sustainability and reduces crew-related costs. Incorporating preferences in crew pairing considers home-basing and helps operators position crews.
“With everyday Leon Crew module becomes the ultimate tool for crew management, not only providing but integrating the most efficient solutions on the market. Integration between Leon and Rosterize provides users with a highly professional tool for crew roster for commercial and cargo carriers.” say’s Paweł Szmagaj CTO at Leon Software.
Crew members can specify their schedule preferences and request days off. More control over the schedules empowers the crew, improves working conditions, and increases the operator's competitiveness. When there is a shortage of skilled labor, this makes a big difference to the operator.
Independent FTL engines in Leon and Rosterize allow users to double-check crew assignment compliance with CAA rules and regulations and provide additional scheduling flexibility automatically considering the operator's business sustainability, crew well-being and fatigue risk management practices, and union agreements.
The Flight Time Limitations module covers hundreds of regulatory schemes and Rosterize searches for the perfect combination of crew duty and rest hours.
Increase aircraft utilization
Charter operators often find themselves in a situation when the aircraft is available, but there is no crew to operate it.
The question arises: would it be possible to change this? Even if the answer is no, the fast rostering optimizer allows the operator to check feasibility. In some cases, it also provides a real chance to discover the minor changes to the crew assignments, such as crew swap and positioning, that make the flight feasible. In the long run, better crew management increases the operator's business efficiency.
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