Manage your cargo schedule
Manage schedule patterns
Draft mode with publishing
Try various schedule scenarios
SSIM import/export
Timeline view
Quote your air cargo charter
Customizable workflow CRM
Automatic quotes for multiple aircraft in one offer
Bookings view combining schedule and quotes
Supports multiple sales offices
Multiple ways of quotes prioritisation
- Customisable sales documents
- Integration with email client
- Sales checklist
- Feasibility checks
- Flight time calculation based on multiple sources
- Managing subcharter flights
- Docu-sign integration
Sales mobile app
Phonebook with clients database
Sending automatic MVT emails
Handling cryptocurrency payments
Issuing invoices
- History of changes
Powerful OPS tool
Dispatch CRM
Suitable for multiple OPS teams
Highly customizable checklist
Handling multiple AOCs
Service requests (handling, fuel, catering etc.)
- Airport Directory
- Customisable OPS documents & email templates
- Multiple level warning system
- Several flights view (Table, Calendar, Timeline)
- Integrations with CMS (Cargo Management Systems)
- Airport weather (METAR & TAF)
- Automatic flight watch (Eurocontrol, ACARS, SATCOM, SITA)
- Fuel prices uploader from over 30 providers
- Integrated with flight planning, EFB, PNR softwares
- History of changes
Manage your crews with a single glance
- Advanced FTL engine customised individually
- Crew qualifications tracking
- Lots of integrations
- Duty roster with multiple display (Calendar, Timeline)
- Duty rostering in draft mode
- Automatic duty rostering
- Ability to temporary assign freelancers
- Landing currency and airport recency tracking
- Passports, VISAs monitoring
- Integrated with logbook softwares
Crew always in the loop with the mobile app
- Confirm flight and duty changes
- Crew member duty roster and flights schedule
- Flight checklist
- Flight documents
- Contact details to service providers
- FTL monitoring
- Crew member qualifications
- Request for duty from the app
- Enter flight watch & post flight data
- Works in offline mode
- Clock-in and clock-out from duties
- Access to company manuals

Be aware of your fleet condition
- Scheduled maintenance
- AOG management
- CAMO limits monitoring
- Aircraft documents tracking
- Integrations with MX systems
Get the most out of your data
- Highly customizable Report Wizard with charts
- FTL violations
- CO2 emissions
- Cosmic radiation with CARI
- Predefined reports for authorities
- Aircraft utilisation
- Report sending automation
- Data export to various BI systems
Complete Cargo Charter Sales
You are able to manage the entire Cargo Charter Sales process in Leon, from quoting to invoicing. You can configure your pricelists, create numerous sales e-mail templates and set every detail of your Cargo Charter sales documents to be used in various scenarios (for example in different languages).
Flexible Cargo Checklist Items
Each flight is supported by the checklist with cargo-specific items. You can define default items that apply to all flights but also modify them individually per each flight when needed. You can add files and notes, moreover, Leon keeps a history of all changes to the checklist.
Easy Cargo Load Display
You can see all your cargo and ferry flights on one screen. At one glance you know what is the amount of cargo that each flight has on-board. Both OPS Table and OPS Calendar views provide you with a comfortable and intuitive display.
Detailed Cargo Reports
You can setup to see all your cargo flights in one report. Add additional criteria such as a report with flights performed just for one client. You can toggle between kg and lb, see all planned flights and all completed journeys. Schedule automatic reports and take the burden of manual report creation from your team.