TrustFlight and Leon Software integration
Complete oversight of your fleet with TrustFlight and Leon Software
TrustFlight's Electronic Tech Log solution is now integrated with Leon Software. All essential information about your fleet can now be easily accessed through one simple dashboard.

Improve safety and efficiency by digitizing your tech log
Paperwork is not only one of many people's least favorite things, it can also be a common cause of missing information, errors or confusion. So why use paper processes when you could use the help of software designed specifically to make your job easier?
TrustFlight’s Electronic Tech Log acts as a thorough, accurate assistant, guiding you through all crucial flight data and reporting requirements,preventing you from making any errors with instantaneous system alerts. The Tech Log serves as an essential communication tool between pilots, maintenance personnel, and the operations department. When it’s online –information exchange is in real-time and can be fully automated.
Using technology instead of paper versions of technical logs eliminates the problems of missing information, typos, transcription errors, or poor handwriting. It also increases efficiency by allowing pilots to focus on flying instead of paperwork. Full aircraft history is available through the ops dashboard, and any upcoming maintenance is clearly displayed in advance.
Data such as flight hours, cycles, fuel consumption, and any technical defects or malfunctions encountered during a flight can be entered into the Electronic Tech Log and go directly into maintenance systems, where they can be analyzed and actioned on by relevant teams.
Single point of data entry through integration
Leon Software's purpose is similar: all your flight data in one place, easy to store, maintain and manage. Leon allows you to keep track of all schedule and crew changes and it's the central source of information.
Thanks to the integration between TrustFlight and Leon, automatic data exchange is now possible. Flight data can be imported from Leon into the Electronic Tech Log, simplifying the pilot's work by auto-completing some of the information already entered via Leon. As soon as documents onboard are completed by the flight crew, they’re available to the operations team too. When the flight is completed, actual takeoff and landing times, crew duty times or details of fuel usage are exported to Leon Software.
Your aircraft records are up to date, accurate and always available wherever you need them. With integration, you don't have to enter the same data twice.
About TrustFlight
Originally founded by two commercial pilots, TrustFlight has grown into a global organization supporting a wide range of airlines, airports, maintenance providers and regulators. The company’s mission is to be the trusted provider of digital workflow solutions to capture, store and share aviation data to improve safety and efficiency.
TrustFlight develops applications such as Electronic Tech Log, Centrik SMS and MEL Manager. The company also provides a variety of technology-enabled services to support aircraft operators..
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