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09 Oct 2023

Leon's New Cybersecurity Option: Single Tenant

At Leon Software we try our best to make our software useful, modern, efficient and secure. That’s why we are on the final stage of testing the functionality of a Single Tenant. Soon this functionality will be offered to Leon users who wish to implement it for an additional charge.

Single Tenant

Up to the sky, right into the cloud

From the beginning, Leon was a cloud-based application. We believe this gives us the best level of flexibility, scalability and security. It allows us to easily manage new releases, deploy new features, and provide backups. Our customers' data is stored, processed and managed in a way that ensures confidentiality, integrity and availability.

However, there are different cloud solution models, such as a multi-tenant and a single-tenant. Both have their pros and cons. Considering the needs of our customers, we decided to offer both options, depending on the client's requirements.

Efficiency and scalability of a multi-tenant architecture

Before presenting the single-tenant solution, let us say a few words about the more popular multi-tenant architecture, which is a very attractive option for many of our customers today. It is a cloud-based solution, so it is scalable and flexible. It is also cost-effective and efficient. 

Multi-tenancy means that there's more than one tenant or customer using same server infrastructure. This means sharing, but with appropriate security and privacy. At Leon, we take a very holistic approach to this and provide a number of security features for multi-tenancy as well. Many customers find that the security provided by multi-tenancy is more than enough, so we're happy to serve them. But still - there are customers who need a whole new level of security, and for them we have provided a new single-tenant option.

Benefits of the Single Tenant Model

The single tenant by its very nature makes the job of cybercriminals more difficult, and this type of architecture is simply more resilient to threats. It refers to a model where one instance of a software application and its supporting infrastructure serve only one customer (or tenant). Contrasted with the multi-tenancy, where one software instance serves multiple customers, the single tenancy ensures dedicated resources and isolation.

This model has several advantages:

  • Security: The risk of data loss or disruption is reduced because resources aren't shared with other users. Vulnerabilities in one system won't affect others.
  • Performance: Dedicated resources can result in more predictable and consistent system performance.
  • Maintenance control: Updates and maintenance can be scheduled based on the preferences of the single tenant.

However, single tenancy comes at a higher cost due to the dedicated nature of the resources. At Leon, we offer the single-tenant model for those of our customers who require the highest levels of security and where a separate infrastructure is a must in terms of international corporate standards. Companies with specific compliance requirements can exercise greater control over data handling. The model's dedicated resources also enable enhanced, customized threat detection. 

Single Tenant and On-Premise Server solutions may seem distinct, but they share key similarities. Both offer businesses a high degree of control over their IT environments, ensuring customization to specific requirements and stringent security measures. The advantage of Single Tenant solutions lies in their scalability, allowing for resource adjustments based on demand, which can result in cost savings and increased agility. Additionally, they often come with managed services, reducing the burden on IT staff and enabling a focus on core business activities. Ultimately, the choice between these solutions depends on an organization's specific needs and priorities, with Single Tenant solutions offering flexibility and managed support as valuable advantages in today's ever-evolving IT landscape.

Single tenancy strikes a balance between the total control of on-premises systems and the shared nature of multi-tenant cloud services. It offers security benefits, but it's important to remember that true security also depends on proper setup, best practices, and routine checks. No system is automatically secure; it is how it is set up and managed that matters. At Leon we have a constant focus on it.

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