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22 Oct 2024

Do I need a backup?

Hi Marcin, you are a member of Leon Software Dev ops team for over a year, can you tell us more about yourself?

Hi, of course! I have been a member of the DevOps team since the beginning of last year. Also, this was not the start of my journey in Leon, because I had worked here as a Software engineer for seven months.

 It is beneficial on a daily basis because I can better understand how the application works and it gives me a big picture perspective.

Before Leon, I worked in several organizations, including some of the biggest Polish IT companies from the financial and e-commerce sectors.

Do I need a backup?

What are the main data recovery techniques currently utilized in the industry?

First, we need to understand what type of data loss is. It can be caused by software problems, hardware failures, or accidental deletion. Depending on that, the most commonly used techniques are Logical Data Recovery, Physical Data Recovery, and Hybrid Data Recovery.

Can you explain the differences between these techniques?

Logical data recovery techniques are used when the data loss is due to software-related issues. Restoring backup is one of them.

Physical Data Recovery methods are applied when data loss results from physical damage to the storage device. There are companies, which can extract data from broken storage devices. They use Isolated Recovery Environment (IRE), often referred to as Clean Room, to recover data.

In most complex scenarios above techniques are combined where both types of damage are present.

To what main threats is data recovery the primary solution?

As I mentioned before, main threats are caused by hardware failures, application and user errors. Of course, if something can happen we should be prepared for that. Data recovery can be very helpful when cybersecurity incidents occur. It can also reduce the effects of any natural disaster, for example flood or fire.

How does data recovery help mitigate the impact of ransomware attacks?

These days, ransomware attacks are one of the biggest threats to businesses and institutes. Data recovery plays a crucial role in mitigating the impact of ransomware attacks. Up-to-date backups can protect against ransom payments. It is very important to keep backups in separate places that attackers cannot decrypt.

What other common scenarios necessitate data recovery?

One of the common scenarios is accidental deletion. A frequently used technique is marking items to delete and delete them after some time or not delete them at all. It takes the user the opportunity to restore accidentally deleted data without the IT staff. 

In today's cybersecurity procedures, where does data recovery fit in?

In today's cybersecurity procedures, data recovery plays an integral role in a comprehensive defense strategy, fitting into various stages of preparation, response, and recovery.

Can you provide examples of how data recovery complements overall cybersecurity policies?

Data recovery is a critical component of modern cybersecurity procedures, providing a safety net that ensures data integrity, availability, and resilience against various threats. Its role spans preparation, immediate response, recovery, and continuous improvement, ensuring organizations can swiftly and effectively bounce back from cyber incidents.

How does the data recovery process work in practice?

The first step is to evaluate the affected storage media to understand the nature and extent of the data loss. This involves determining whether the issue is due to logical errors, physical damage, or both. For physical issues, technicians inspect the device for signs of damage, such as unusual noises, visible damage, or failure to boot. For logical issues, data recovery software tools are used to scan the device for recoverable data.

Based on the assessment, a detailed recovery plan is developed. This plan outlines the steps needed to recover the data, including whether hardware repairs are needed, which recovery software to use, and the estimated time and cost involved.

After recovery, data is checked for integrity and completeness.

What are the typical timelines for different types of data recovery processes?

The timelines for data recovery processes can vary significantly based on the type of data loss, volume,  the extent of the damage, and the specific recovery methods required. It can take a couple of hours when only backup restoration is needed. When it is hardware failure or damage, it can take even weeks.

Are there any limitations or challenges that can delay data recovery?

Yes, several limitations and challenges can delay the data recovery process. These factors can affect the time it takes to recover data and may also impact the overall success of the recovery. Extensive physical damage from fire, water, or impact can make the recovery process more complex and time-consuming. For physical repairs, the availability of replacement parts can impact the timeline.

How can a company incorporate data recovery into its operations effectively, what would be the first steps?

Companies should start by assessing current data protection measures and conducting a risk assessment. Implement regular, offsite, and cloud backups, and invest in reliable data recovery tools and professional services. Establish a dedicated data recovery team, document recovery procedures, and integrate data recovery into business continuity and disaster recovery plans. Regularly test recovery procedures, verify backups, enhance security measures, and continuously monitor and review the data recovery strategy.

What are some best practices for maintaining a reliable data recovery system?

There are several best practices, such as a regular backup schedule with testing and validation, keeping documentation up to date, and periodically reviewing and updating procedures.

What role does regular testing play in ensuring the effectiveness of data recovery procedures?

Regular testing plays a vital role. It helps to identify weaknesses and verify backup integrity. It increases familiarity with procedures. It adapts data recovery procedures to continuous changes in infrastructure, technology, and business processes.

How often should data recovery processes be tested?

The frequency of testing data recovery processes depends on several factors, including the criticality of the data, the pace of technological changes, and regulatory requirements. For most organizations, this typically means testing quarterly or semi-annually.

Can you discuss any real-world examples where data recovery played a critical role in business continuity?

One example of that almost everything can be recovered is the disk drive from the US space shuttle Columbia. The disk partially burned in the atmosphere and then fell from a great height into a lake. 99% of the data stored on it before the crash was recovered. Recovered data helped increase safety for the next missions.

What advice would you give to companies looking to improve their data recovery strategies in 2025?

I would recommend investing in automation and leveraging AI for predictive analytics in data recovery. Regular testing and increasing people's awareness is an investment that also pays back.

What are some common misconceptions about data recovery that you encounter?

Many people believe that having a backup means they are fully protected. Yes, it is important to have what to recover, but until we don’t test it, we don’t know if it works.

Another misconception is the statement that data once deleted is gone forever. Deleted data may still be recoverable by many techniques.

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