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27 Aug 2024

Unlocking New Opportunities: Integrating Leon Software with Azzera CELESTE

The API integration of Leon Software with Azzera CELESTE platform is now live and aircraft operators can kick-start their sustainability journey in a matter of seconds. With this integration, operators can offer Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) credits, vetted carbon credits and ETS allowances to their clients without the need to hold inventory. With access to daily overviews of emissions, the platform helps operators make data-driven decisions around ETS market price events.

To celebrate this integration, Azzera is offering a 1-month free trial to Leon customers – sign up HERE

Manage and track SAF usage with Leon Software and Azzera

Key Benefits of the Integration

Ready for ReFuel EU with SAF Inventory Management Module

CELESTE’s Physical SAF Inventory Management module is specifically designed to support the upcoming ReFuel EU mandate. This module allows operators to efficiently manage and track their SAF uplifts and compile necessary reports. With all SAF data stored in a single module, users can monitor their use of SAF on an interactive map, tracking where SAF is purchased, how much is uplifted, and which routes were flown.

The integration of Leon Software with CELESTE offers a powerful tool for aircraft operators to manage their ReFuel reporting with planned fuel and SAF usage. Allowing operators to stay ahead in their sustainability efforts, ensuring they meet regulatory demands while contributing to a low-carbon future in aviation.

Offering SAF Credits and Carbon Credits

CELESTE enables operators to offer SAF credits and high-quality carbon credits to their clients without holding inventory. The SAF credits are issued using the Sustainable Aviation Buyers Alliance (SABA) methodology guidelines. On the marketplace, users can compare carbon credit projects rated with the Azzera Impact Score. CELESTE uniquely combines emissions monitoring and mitigation in a single platform, streamlining operators' sustainability efforts and providing their clients with impact driven mitigation of their carbon footprint.

End-to-End Emissions Management

With CELESTE, operators can manage and mitigate emissions of their entire fleet by aircraft tail. Essential flight data, including aircraft type, fuel consumption, departure and arrival points, and flight distances, are automatically transferred from Leon Software to CELESTE via API, ensuring precise calculations in line with ETS schemes and CORSIA standards.

Thanks to thequick API connections Flight Dispatchers that are working on Leon Software have quick possibility to trannsfer thier data from sections like Journey log in Leon's chcecklist to CELESTE calculate the sompensation.


Comprehensive Reporting and Compliance Management

CELESTE makes compliance reporting instantaneous with our unique flight segregation algorithm, which automatically assigns the right carbon market to each flight with over 95% accuracy. It covers EU and CH ETS, UK ETS and CORSIA. This feature addresses the labor-intensive tasks associated with compliance monitoring, reporting and verification.

About Azzera  

Azzera is a provider of Net-Zero transition solutions tailored for business aviation operators. The company's flagship platform, Azzera Celeste, integrates with flight scheduling software like Leon Software to automate real-time emissions calculations. By segregating emissions according to various carbon compliance markets—including CORSIA, EU ETS, UK ETS, and CH ETS—CELESTE simplifies the reporting and compliance process.

Azzera employs scientific methodologies to evaluate the climate impact of projects using the Azzera Impact Score, providing a reliable metric for environmental performance. Through the digital platform, users can purchase carbon credits, facilitating effective emissions management and mitigation. Among the companies benefiting from Azzera's solutions are Metrojet, ASL Group, Elit’Avia, and AXIS Aviation. Azzera’s mission is to make environmental sustainability accessible by automating complex compliance tasks, reducing manual data handling, and providing expert guidance.

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